字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>十二月的英文翻譯


拼音:shí èr yuè


December; Dec.; Dec




  1. 十二月二十四日是聖誕夜。
    December 24th is Christmas Eve.
  2. 該戒毒所已於一九九六年十二月十六日投入服務。
    The centre came into operation on December 16, 1996.
  3. 有關的租金管制條文於一九九八年十二月三十一日停止生效。
    These rent control provisions expired on December 31, 1998.
  4. 顧問已於一九九八年十二月向考試局提交報告。
    The consultants submitted their report to the HKEA in December 1998.
  5. 上映到十二月的戲;包括A到D的一卷
    A play that runs through December; a volume that covers A through D.
  6. 暖和無雪的十二月
    a green December
  7. 截至二零零一年十二月三十一日,註冊記錄冊上共有146220個商標。
    The register had a total of 146220 marks as at December 31, 2001.
  8. 聖誕節是十二月二十五日。
    Christmas Day is the 25th of December.
