拼音:shì chá英文解釋:
inspect; survey; view; visit【醫】 inspection
(1) ∶上級人員到下級機構或現場檢查工作視察學校(2) ∶察看視察地形 >>查看“視察”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.inspection 2.survey 3.visit 4.overseen 5.oversaw 6.visitation 7.takeaviewof 8.oversee相關對話:
- 艦隊司令乘直升機視察他所指揮的軍艦。The admiral visit the ships under his command by helicopter.
- 他對這個地區進行了多次視察。He made a number of inspections.
- 視察,巡視以視察或檢查為目的官方性察看,如主教對一主教管區的視察An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.
- 督學下周要來視察。The school inspector is visiting next week.