字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>十的英文翻譯 “十”的日文翻譯



decade; ten; topmost
【計】 deka-
【醫】 da; deca-; deka-


十 shí 數名,九加一(在鈔票和單據上常用大寫“拾”代)。 表示多、久:十室...


  1. 好的,這是我的四美元二五美分。
    OK, here is my own, $ 4.25.
  2. 段氏與三七部會盟碑
    Tablet Recording the Union of Duan with 37 Tribes
  3. 交叉方向的,交叉方式的;字狀的
    In a manner or direction that crosses or is marked by crossings
  4. 必要時我們可以留宿個人。
    We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch.
  5. 我們每三分鐘一般只收25英鎊。
    We make a standard charge of £25 for a thirty-minutes session.
  6. 波普先生是個足的男子漢。
    Mr Pope was every inch a man
  7. 以克為基礎的進制重量單位。
    a decimal unit of weight based on the gram
  8. 她游泳橫渡那條河是分了不起的壯舉。
    It was quite a feat for her to swim across the river.
