apply; bestow; carry out; execute; grant; use【醫】 apply
1.execute 2.carryout 3.exert 4.impose例句:
- 給花園施些肥料吧!Do some fertilization for the garden!
- 英格蘭這國家過去和現在一樣,到處可碰見這樣的人:他們喜歡發號施令,但對正在發生的事情卻似乎知之甚少。England is, and has always been, a country infested with people who love to tell up what to do, but who rarely seem to know what's going on.
- 這些計畫終於得以實施。The plans were finally put into execution.
- 他阻止我實施我的計畫。He balked me to carry out my plan.
- 帶他出去喝一杯,從他口裡套出些他的公司將在安全規章制度方面採取的新措施。Take him out for a drink and pump him about what his company is going to do concerning the new safety regulations.