拼音:shěn xùn英文解釋:
inquest; interrogate; try【法】 examine; hearing; interrogate
司法機關向訴訟雙方查問有關案件的事實伽利略也因為信仰和傳播 哥白尼學說,在一六三... >>查看“審訊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.inquisite 2.inquest 3.trial 4.broughttotrial 5.bringtotrial 6.interrogate 7.interrogation中英例句:
- 警方正在審訊兩個嫌疑犯。The police are interrogating two suspects.
- 審訊暫停一星期[下星期繼續進行]。The trial was adjourned for a week/until the following week.
- 審訊持續了一個星期。The trial lasted a week.
- 西班牙當局要把他押送回國審訊嗎?Will the Spanish authorities send him home for trial?
- 那一審訊不公開[那一案件已秘密審訊]。The trial was held/The case was heard in camera.
- 這件謀殺案的審訊重新開始了。The murder trial was reopened.
- 在整個審訊的過程中,她那端莊的舉止使得每個人都相信她是無辜的。Her dignified bearing throughout the trial made everyone believe she was innocent.