字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>神往的英文翻譯 “神往”的日文翻譯


拼音:shén wǎng


be charmed; be rapt


心中嚮往心馳神往 >>查看“神往”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 最近幾周,人們已經看到在這個廣闊的海港擁有一個泊位將會多么令人心馳神往
    Recent weeks have shown how alluring a berth on that bounteous marina is
  2. 神往往是解除痛苦的救星。
    Death is often a welcome release from pain
  3. 心馳神往
    let one's thoughts fly to (a place or person); long for
  4. 如果你對戶外的極致景色心馳神往,那么瑞士就是最佳之選。
    If you hanker for the great outdoors, it would be hard to beat Switzerland.
  5. 悠然神往
    one's thoughts turn to things distant; be carried away afar
  6. 南方的那些海港,它們的氣味,夜晚的那些停泊燈,多么令人神往啊!”
    The smell of them, the riding-lights at night, the glamour!
  7. 您那令人神往的邀請我不得不辭謝了。這是多么遺憾啊!
    How awful to have to turn down your very, very tempting invitation!
  8. 黑洞令天文學家。心馳神往卻又困惑不已。
    Black holes are a sensation that astronomers are still very puzzled with
