拼音:shēn sù英文解釋:
appeal【經】 allegations; petition
(1) (2) 對所受處分不服時,向處理機關或上級機關提出自己的意見向上級提出申... >>查看“申訴”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.plead 2.tearoffastrip 3.shew中英例句:
- 許多不能給別人指路找到街角上的藥行的人,到了年紀使他更加糊塗之後,卻也會找到人畢恭畢敬地聆聽他的申訴。Many a man that can't direct you to a corner drugstore will get a respectful hearing when age has further impaired his mind.
- 宣誓供詞證明某一申訴屬實的宣誓書An affidavit that attests to the truth of a pleading.
- 這個賊提出了無罪申訴。The thief entered a plea of not guilty.
- 遞呈一份無罪申訴狀;提出控訴Enter a plea of innocence; enter a complaint
- 總經理將親自處理你們的申訴。The managing director will attend to your complaint personally.
- 一方 是指申訴方或者被申訴方Party means a Complainant or a Respondent
- 這個賊提出了無罪申訴。The thief entered a plea of not guilty