拼音:shén shèng 英文解釋:
heavenliness; holiness; inviolability; sanctimony; sanctity
(1) ∶指天聖;神靈豈有神聖之前鬼怪公然出現者!“龍王&rdquo... >>
查看“神聖”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 傑夫: 一放假,我就去了一個很神聖的地方——希臘雅典的奧林 匹亞。
Jeff: I went to a very sacred place - Olympia, in Athens, Greece.
- 他把它們作為神聖的傳家寶留給了孩子們。
He left them as sacred heirlooms to his children.
- 他給我看了丹用來閱讀和回復影迷來信的“神聖書桌”,上面堆著一大堆信。
There was a stack of letters waiting for Dan as we spoke.
- 這神聖的三位一體關係密切;
The members of this unholy trio are closely related;
- 一本正經或假裝神聖的人。
a self-righteous or sanctimonious person.
- 牧師用專門的儀式使教堂顯得神聖。
The priest sanctified the church with a special ceremony
- 今天,我要作出神聖的保證。
Today,I want to make a solemn promise.
- 但她的成功是神聖干涉的結果。
But her success was an act of divine Intervention.