拼音:shén qíng 英文解釋:
expression; look中文解釋:
面部表露出來的內心活動露出愉快的神情佛印絕類彌勒,袒胸露乳,矯首昂視,神情與蘇、... >>
查看“神情”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 他一臉吃驚的神情.
He had a startled look on his face.
- 她的臉上顯出無法掩飾的驚訝神情。
A surprise that she was unable to hide registered on her face
- 她的眼睛裡顯露出一絲感興趣的神情。
A gleam of interest came into her eye
- 使人愉快的神情
a pleasing look
- 他帶著自信的神情,徑直朝那台大機器走去。
With an air of self-confidence, he walk directly to the big machine.
- 表示悔改的罪人、神情、心情
A repentant sinner, expression, mood
- 她神情一片孤寂,卻心平氣和,儀態端莊,深深觸動了我。
Her air of complete loneliness allied with a quiet dignity touched me.
- 她的溫柔的神情似乎消除了他的憂慮。
Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry.