拼音:shēn qiáng lì zhuàng 英文解釋:
strong; sturdy中文解釋:
身體健康能夠承受或忍受艱苦環境的;健壯的身強力壯的伐木工 >>
查看“身強力壯”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
ingoodfeather 2.
inhighfeather 漢語造句:
- 工頭們不也招惹伍德。他身強力壯,而且得到碼頭工人的有力支持。
The foremen dared not mess about with Wood. He was strong and had the firm backing of the dockers.
- 打量一眼約翰筆挺的身體,經理說道: "約?em>采砬苛ψ場?
"John has a constitution like a horse, " said the manager, casting a glance over John's upright form.
- 他身強力壯
He is very powerfully built, ie has a large strong physique
- 要想成為一名職業拳擊手,你得身強力壯。
You have to be a tough customer to be a professional boxer
- 我覺得身強力壯一如以往。
I feel as well and strong as ever.
- 要想成為一名職業拳擊手,你得身強力壯。
You have to be a tough customer to be a professional boxer.
- 防守隊員要求身強力壯。
it takes a big man to play tackle