- 這個國家已經發生了深刻的政治變化。
Profound political changes have been taking place in the country.
- 他對他的母親的敬愛給了我深刻的印象。
He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother.
- 老師用通俗的語言說明深刻的道理。
The teacher expounded a profound truth in common language
- 我覺得印度對我的靈魂有最深刻的影響。
I feel Indian to the most profound depths of my soul.
- 這對通用電氣公司來說,又是一場深刻的文化變革。
Again,it was a profound cultural change for GE
- 你的公司給我留下很深刻的印象。
I make a great impress on your company.
- 結果寧德市91.3%城鄉居民聽說過愛滋病,但對愛滋病仍缺乏系統、全面、深刻的了解。
Results 91.3% of the surveyed residents had heard AIDS.