拼音:shén jīng qiào英文解釋:
【醫】 endolemma; endoneural membranes; neu; neurilemma; neurolemmanucleated sheath; primitive sheath; Schwann's membranes
Schwann's sheath; sheath of Schwann
- 12歲女孩原發性甲狀腺神經鞘瘤1例Primary neurilemmoma of the thyroid gland in a 12 - year-old girl
- 神經鞘神經纖維外層敏感的膜The delicate membranous covering of a nerve fiber
- 神經鞘神經纖維外層敏感的膜The delicate membranous covering of a nerve fiber.
- 耳鼻咽喉神經鞘瘤(附7例報告)Neurolemmoma of the Ear,Nose and Throat