字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>神經膠質的英文翻譯


拼音:shén jīng jiāo zhì


【醫】 bindweb; glia; Kolliker's reticulum; nerve cement; neuroglia


  1. 摘要原發性腦幹神經節細胞神經膠質瘤是一種非常罕見的腫瘤。
    Primary intrinsic gangliogliomas of the brainstem are exceedingly unusual.
  2. 神經膠質瘤九例臨床分析
    Clinical analysis of neurogliomatosis cerebri
  3. 神經膠質瘤腦神經或脊神經束上產生的腫瘤
    A tumor originating in the neuroglia of the brain or spinal cord
  4. 神經膠質瘤病的診斷和治療
    Diagnosis and treatment of neurogliomatosis cerebri
  5. (腦和脊髓)星形細胞一種星狀細胞,尤指神經組織的神經膠質細胞
    A star-shaped cell, especially a neuroglial cell of nervous tissue
  6. 神經膠質瘤腦神經或脊神經束上產生的腫瘤
    A tumor originating in the neuroglia of the brain or spinal cord.
  7. (腦和脊髓)星形細胞一種星狀細胞,尤指神經組織的神經膠質細胞
    A star-shaped cell, especially a neuroglial cell of nervous tissue.
  8. 少突細胞構成少突神經膠質的細胞
    One of the cells comprising the oligodendroglia.
