拼音:shēng yuè 英文解釋:
vocal music; vocality
(1) ∶指歌唱的藝術,可以有樂器伴奏(2) ∶古代泛指音樂和音樂活動 >>
查看“聲樂”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
vocalmusic 中英例句:
- 中音樂曲為這個音域的歌手或樂器創作的聲樂或器樂曲部分
A vocal or instrumental part written for a voice or an instrument within this range.
- 輪唱曲由連續的部分構成的聲樂曲,輪唱曲
A vocal composition in successive parts; a round.
- 我喜歡器樂勝於聲樂。
I like instrumental music better than vocal music.
- 合奏聲樂家,合奏演奏家表演合唱或合奏的歌唱家或樂器演奏師
The vocalists or instrumentalists who perform such a work
- 她父母省吃儉用好讓她出國學習聲樂。
Her parents pinched and scraped so that she could study singing abroad.
- 佩里對女聲樂歌手很著迷。
Perry is very fond of female vocalists.
- 聲樂老師教他們用和聲唱那首新歌。
The singing teacher teaches them to harmonize the new song.
- 論聲樂演唱者的修養
On The Accomplishment of Singer of Vocal Music