- 摘要簡述了低能離子束生物技術在6個主要方面的研究成果。
The 6 achievements on Ion Beam Bio-engineering of Low Energy were outlined.
- 生物技術被廣泛認為是一個蒸蒸日上的產業。
Biotechnology is widely regarded as a booming industry
- 柑橘生物技術研究進展
Recent Advances in Studies on Citrus Biotechnology
- 生物技術在棘皮動物研究中的套用進展
Advances in the Application of Molecular Technique for Echinodermata
- 賴夫說:“利用生物技術進行計算的方法有多種。
"There are multiple ways of using biotechnology to compute.
- 生物技術一定能給人類帶來好處。
The biology technology is sure to bring benefits to man."
- 生物技術食品被列為最少擔心的產品。
Biotechnology foods were rated as the issue of least concern.
- EM生物技術及套用
Biological Technology of Em and its Application