拼音:shēng sù英文解釋:
velocity of sound【化】 sound velocity
聲波傳播的速度 >>查看“聲速”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.Machone 2.sonicvelocity 3.sonicspeed 4.soundvelocity 5.speedofsound 6.acousticvelocity漢語造句:
- 第一次測量聲速是在什麼時候?When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
- 測試指標包括跟骨超聲衰減、跟骨超聲速度、雌二醇(E2)和睪酮(T)等。Measurements included BUA , SOS, E2 and T, serum.
- 有攻角高超聲速穿甲彈氣動燒蝕的研究The Aerodynamic Ablation of Hypersonic Penetrator Shell at Angle of Attack
- 有限力程部分對聲速的影響很小。The effect of finite-range force fot the speed of sound is very small.
- 人們又發現順風時的聲速比逆風時的聲述要快。It was found to be greater with the wind than against it.
- 南海北部海區上層水體平均聲速場的變化Variation of sound velocity of upper water in the northern South China Sea