拼音:shēng sī 英文解釋:
【醫】 cerchnus; hoarseness; raucedo; raucitas; trachyphonia相關詞條:
raucedo 2.
hoarseness 例句:
- 嘶嘶聲嘶嘶聲,類似拖長的s的聲音
A sharp, sibilant sound similar to a sustained s.
- 馬大聲發出一聲嘶鳴。
The horse gave a loud neigh
- 瘋狂購物;聲嘶力竭
A shopping jag; a crying jag
- 嘶嘶聲嘶嘶聲,類似拖長的s的聲音
A sharp, sibilant sound similar to a sustained s
- 討論會逐漸變成一了場舉止粗魯聲嘶力竭的對罵。
The discussion gradually degenerated into a bad-man-nered bawling match
- 烏鴉一種的大鳥,(渡鴉)羽毛黑色,叫聲嘶啞
A large bird(Corvus corax) having black plumage and a croaking cry
- 機器發出一聲嘶嘶的聲音,停了下來。
The machine made a hissing sound and then stopped
- 聲嘶力竭地大叫,大喊
To utter in a loud, vehement voice