拼音:shēng qiān 英文解釋:
preferment; promote中文解釋:
指工作調動且職位提升不循中道,縱得升遷何榮也 >>
查看“升遷”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 當她聽到升遷的機會時,她決定冒險一試。
When she heard about the chance for promotion, she decided to go for it.
- 恭賀你升遷。
Let me congratulate you on your promotion.
- 兩年的資歷使他有資格獲得升遷。
Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion.
- 決定於業績的升遷
Promotion subject to merit.
- 作好準備慢慢地升遷,可能性更大。
Getting ready for a slow ascent is more likely
- 有你升遷的訊息嗎?
Any word on your promotion?
- 他為求升遷而小心謹慎。
He is cautious inorder to get promoted.
- 再次祝賀您的升遷。
Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion