拼音:shēng lái英文解釋:
by birth; by nature【法】 by birth
天生;生就這孩子生來就結實 >>查看“生來”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 她生來具有舞蹈家的優雅風度。She has the natural grace of a born dancer.
- 她生來即啞。She's been dumb from birth.
- 她的頭髮是生來就鬈的嗎?Does her hair curl naturally?
- 對於那些對學生來說無關緊要的釋義,你無妨略而不談。You can pass over the meanings which are of no moment to the student.
- 找幾個新生來幫你乾吧。Get some frosh to do it for you.
- 對麥克萊恩先生來說,吸引他的是可以降低成本。For Mr McLean the lure was lower costs.
- 生來有福be born under a fortunate star
- 他的聽力生來就好。He has a good faculty of hearing