字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>牲口的英文翻譯 “牲口”的日文翻譯


拼音:shēng kǒu


【醫】 stock


牲畜的俗稱。專指供人役使的家畜,如牛、馬、騾、驢等 >>查看“牲口”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他們將準備好牲口在破曉時出發。
    They were to catch up and begin the march at daybreak.
  2. 有幾頭牲口已經累垮了,不得不拋棄掉。
    A few of the beasts had knocked up and had to be abandoned.
  3. 我在去牲口棚的途中碰到了迪恩,我的房東。
    Before I got there, I met Dean, my landlord.
  4. 入侵者搶走了許多牲口
    The invaders carried away lots of cattle.
  5. 為此我們租了一間不大不小的房子,一個牲口棚和160英畝地。
    So we leased a modest house, a barn and160acres
  6. 他一路趕著牲口一路吹著他的緒任克斯笛(或稱做潘簫)。
    As he strolled, he blew upon his syrinx or Pandean pipes.
  7. 廄里單獨的一欄,每一欄里只餵養一頭牲口
    a compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed
  8. 馱重物的獸群隊伍用來拉重物的一群牲口
    A team of animals used to pull loads.
