拼音:shèng cān 英文解釋:
bread and wine; Eucharist; the Holy Communion
傳說耶穌受難前夕與門徒聚餐,以餅和酒象徵自己的身體和血,分給他們吃。以後基督教新... >>
查看“聖餐”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
breadandwine 2.
eulogia 3.
housel 4.
Lord'sSupper 5.
Eucharist 6.
ordinance 7.
BlessedSacrament 8.
Nagmaal 9.
HolyCommunion 10.
theeucharist 11.
thesacrament 12.
communion 漢語造句:
- 聖餐具放在有鎖的櫥里。
The plate is kept in a locked cupboard.
- 受聖餐的人接受或賦予權力接受聖餐的人
A person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion.
- 她領了聖餐。
She received the sacrament.
- 牧師從聖餐台上拿起一座燭台。
The vicar took a candlestick from the altar
- 臨終聖餐給臨終或面臨死亡危險的人的聖餐
The Eucharist given to a dying person or one in danger of death.
- 聖體盒,有蓋聖杯聖餐中有蓋的裝獻祭聖餅的容器
A covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers of the Eucharist
- 碗狀的喝酒的容器;尤其是用於聖餐。
a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup
- 有資格接受聖餐的人。
a person entitled to receive Communion