字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>聲爆的英文翻譯


拼音:shēng bào


【電】 sonic boom


  1. 砰的一聲爆開伴隨短促、尖利的爆炸聲炸開
    To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound.
  2. 突然響起一聲爆裂聲——像汽車的逆火聲。
    A sudden report rang out--like the sound of a car backfiring.
  3. 瓶子"砰"的一聲爆炸了。
    The bottle exploded with a bang
  4. 突如其來的一聲爆炸把她嚇一大跳。
    The sudden explosion made her jump out of her skin.
  5. 砰的一聲爆開伴隨短促、尖利的爆炸聲炸開
    To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound
  6. 突然響起一聲爆裂聲——像汽車的逆火聲。
    A sudden report rang out--like the sound of a car backfiring
  7. 氣球啪的一聲爆炸了。
    The balloon burst with a bang
