拼音:shēn bào dān 英文解釋:
【經】 declaration form相關對話:
- 請出示您的申報單。
Will you show me your declaration form, please?
- 你得填一下海關申報單。
You have to fill out the customs declaration form for the package.
- 他幫助我填寫所得稅申報單。
He assists me with my income tax return.
- 請讓我看一下你的申報單好嗎?
Let me see your Customs Declaration Form, please.
- 我可以看看你的關稅申報單嗎?
May I see your customs declaration form?
- 這是海關申報單要你填寫一下?
Here is a Customs Declaration Form for you to fill in
- 請將從國外買來的全部貨物寫一份書面申報單。
Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
- 他在所得稅申報單上填上了“失業”。
He put himself down on the Income Tax Return as "unemployed".