拼音:shēn bài míng liè 英文解釋:
be utterly discredited; lose all reputation中文解釋:
地位喪失,名譽掃地。形容做壞事遭到徹底失敗 >>
查看“身敗名裂”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他耍盡陰謀詭計,結果卻落得身敗名裂。
He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself.
- 如果你與這樣一個陰謀案件有所牽連的話,你就有身敗名裂的危險,說不定還要傾家蕩產哩!
If you have anything to do with such a scheme you'll endanger you good name and probably lose your money into the bargain.
- 他面臨著身敗名裂的危險。
His reputation was at stake.
- 他因貪得無厭而導致身敗名裂。
Greed led to his downfall.
- 他耍盡陰謀詭計,結果卻落得身敗名裂。
He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself.
- 他幸災樂禍地看著他的對手身敗名裂。
He was gloating over the ruin of his rival.