字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>赦免的英文翻譯 “赦免”的日文翻譯


拼音:shè miǎn


absolve; assoil; pardon; remit; spare; grace; oblivion; quittance
【法】 absolution; absolve; absolver; absolvitor; anmesty; assoil; excuse
free pardon; grace; pardon; quittance; reimssion; shrift; spare


權力機關依法定程式減輕或免除對罪犯的刑罰被州長赦免 >>查看“赦免”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.quittance  2.remittal  3.freepardon  4.absolvesb.fromsth.  5.assoil  6.indulgency  7.oblivion  8.absolution  9.depurge  10.release  11.absolve  12.shrove  13.indulgence  14.topardon  15.shriven  16.remission  


  1. 君主享有對罪犯的赦免權。
    A monarch has the prerogative of pardoning criminals.
  2. 有新證據證明他無辜,因而他獲得赦免
    He was granted a pardon after new evidence had proved his innocence.
  3. 他的監禁刑罰已獲得赦免
    His prison sentence has been remitted.
  4. 神父赦免了他的罪過。
    The priest absolved him of his sins.
  5. 赦免,寬恕赦免或饒恕(一罪行)
    To pardon or remit(a sin)
  6. 就讓劊子手停止行刑,赦免了王延壽。
    They told the executioner to let him go, and pardoned him.
  7. 上帝是愛,如果我認罪,上帝就會赦免我。
    God is love , if i( ren zui).God will forgive me.
  8. 是懺悔而不是牧師給我們赦免.
    It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.
