字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>設計理論的英文翻譯


拼音:shè jì lǐ lùn


【計】 design theory


  1. 大跨度立交橋抗震設計理論與方法
    Seismic Design Theory and Method of Long Span Bridges
  2. 而藝術設計學關於庭園環境藝術設計理論方面的論文數量甚少。
    The paper that is basing on garden environmental designing is expected.
  3. 城市設計理論和方法的新探索——讀克里斯托弗·亞歷山大的《城市設計新論》
    A New Theory of Urban Design by Christopher Alexander
  4. 魚雷總體綜合設計理論與方法研究
    A Study on the Theories of Synthetic Conceptual Design for Torpedo
  5. 鋼筋混凝土及組合結構設計理論
    Design Theory of Reinforced Concrete and Composite Structures.
  6. 網路虛擬創新設計理論與實踐
    Theory and Application of Network VR Innovation Design
  7. 基於公理設計理論的DFC成本估算軟體框架
    The Cost Evaluation Software Frame of DFC Based on Axiomatic Design
  8. 鋼筋混凝土異形柱—板柱結構設計理論研究
    Study on Design Theory of RC Flat Plate Structure with Special Columns
