字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>設計分析的英文翻譯


拼音:shè jì fēn xī


【計】 design analysis; project analysis


  1. 行走式自動點灌機的設計分析及套用
    Design and Application of Moving Automatic Dot Irrigation Machine
  2. 鏈式冷床設計分析
    Design analysis on Chain cooling bed
  3. 脈衝引弧電路的設計分析
    Design and Analysis of Pulsed Arc Starting Circuits
  4. 機車液壓盤式制動器制動襯片設計分析
    Design Analysis on the Brake pad of Hydraulic Disc Brake for Motorcycles
  5. “捕食鳥”隱身設計分析
    Stealth Design About Bird of Prey
  6. 潛艇氣動魚雷發射裝置能量儲備設計分析
    Analysis of Design of the Energy Accumulation in Submarine Torpedo Laucher
  7. 多功能摺疊鏈式輸送機的設計分析
    Design of Folding Chain Conveyer with Large Center Distance and Obliquity
  8. 振動篩彈性支承系統的設計分析
    Ana lysis of Design of Elastic Supporting System for vibrating screens
