拼音:shè huì jīng jì 英文解釋:
【經】 community economy中英例句:
- 儒家文化對東亞社會經濟的影響
The influence of Confucian culture on the Eastern Asian social economy
- 小城鎮社會經濟可持續發展戰略初探
Sustainable development conception on small towns in soc-economy
- 上海城市軌道交通體系社會經濟效益估算分析
Estimative Analysis of the Social Benefit of Shanghai UMT System
- 3.災害的社會經濟根源。
3. Social and economic root cause of disaster.
- 要考察農村資金與城市資金互動的社會經濟實質。
We should study the interaction between rural funds and city funds.
- 占據著一個社會裡最高的社會經濟地位。
occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society
- 智慧型交通系統的社會經濟效益分析
Analyzing the social and economic efficiencies of ITS
- 占據著一個社會裡中等社會經濟等級中的較低的部分。
occupying the lower part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society