拼音:shē chǐ 英文解釋:
costliness; extravagance; luxury
揮霍浪費錢財,過分追求享受及桓子,驕泰奢侈,貪慾無藝,略則行志。—&... >>
查看“奢侈”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
luxuriousness 2.
luxe 3.
sumptuousness 4.
sumptuosity 5.
extravagance 6.
costliness 7.
expensiveness 8.
unthrift 相關對話:
- 這是我買過的最奢侈的東西。
It was the most extravagant purchase I have ever made.
- 她一生生活奢侈。
She has lived in luxury all her life.
- 在舊社會,貴族們生活奢侈。
In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.
- 他們生活非常儉樸,力避奢侈。
They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries.
- 政府對奢侈品的進口採取了嚴格的管制。
The government has imposed strict controls over the import of luxury goods.