拼音:shào wèi英文解釋:
second lieutenant中文解釋:
軍銜,尉官的一級,低於中尉 >>查看“少尉”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lieutenant 2.jg 3.looey 4.looie 5.PilotOfficer 6.ActingSublieutenant 7.Louie相關對話:
- 亨利在戰爭結束退伍時是一個海軍少尉。At the end of the war Henry was mustered out as an ensign.
- 海軍少尉a one striper
- 好吧,我認識那少尉。我能為你做什麼,守衛瓦羅瑞?Ok, I know the Lieutenant. What can I do for you, Guardsman Valleroy?
- 我是守衛瓦羅瑞,馬姆利少尉的副官。I am Guardsman Valleroy, adjutant to Lt. Mumphreys.
- 好,那么,當你完成了就來向我或者馬姆利少尉報告。Ok, then. Report back to me or to Lt. Mumphreys when you have.
- 少尉:我要呼叫總部取消嗎?Haggs: Should I call HQ to cancel?