拼音:shāo jìn英文解釋:
burn oneself out; burn out; burnout【化】 burn off
1.burnitselfout 2.burnitselfaway 3.burntitselfout 4.afterflaming例句:
- 廢虛燃了幾個小時才燒盡。It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out.
- 丟下火讓它自行燒盡,咱們進帳篷里去吧。Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.
- 爐火因燃料燒盡而熄滅了。The fire( furnace) has burnt itself out.
- 已經燒盡或正在燃燒的一塊木頭。a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
- 火焰將一切燒盡。The flames licked up everything.
- 燈里油已經燒盡了。The oil in the lamp had burned up.
- 廢虛燃了幾個小時才燒盡。It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out
- 已經燒盡或正在燃燒的一塊木頭。a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning.