字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>燒盡的英文翻譯


拼音:shāo jìn


burn oneself out; burn out; burnout
【化】 burn off


1.burnitselfout  2.burnitselfaway  3.burntitselfout  4.afterflaming  


  1. 廢虛燃了幾個小時才燒盡
    It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out.
  2. 丟下火讓它自行燒盡,咱們進帳篷里去吧。
    Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.
  3. 爐火因燃料燒盡而熄滅了。
    The fire( furnace) has burnt itself out.
  4. 已經燒盡或正在燃燒的一塊木頭。
    a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
  5. 火焰將一切燒盡
    The flames licked up everything.
  6. 燈里油已經燒盡了。
    The oil in the lamp had burned up.
  7. 廢虛燃了幾個小時才燒盡
    It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out
  8. 已經燒盡或正在燃燒的一塊木頭。
    a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning.
