拼音:shāo guāng英文解釋:
【機】 burn out相關詞條:
- 木柴全部燒光了。All the wood has been burnt up.
- 屋子在救火人員趕到前就燒光了。The house burnt up before the firemen got there.
- 卡森的工廠一下子就燒光了。Carson’s mill is blazing away like fun.
- 整座房子不到一個小時就燒光了.The whole house went up in smoke in less than an hour
- 這座村落已完全被燒光了。The hamlet had been burned to the ground.
- 夏季的一場火可把草都燒光。A summer fire can wipe out all the grass
- 整座城市都被燒光了。The whole city was burned to the ground.