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拼音:shāo duàn


【計】 burn-out


  1. 那於保險絲燒斷
    That blew the fuse.
  2. 收音機壞了保險絲燒斷了。
    The radio's not working--the fuse has blown.
  3. 看樣子你把保險絲燒斷了。
    It seems that you've blown a fuse.
  4. 燒斷熔斷而無法使用(保險絲)
    To melt or otherwise become disabled. Used of a fuse.
  5. 我們把主要電路通上電,看看保險絲是否會燒斷
    We electrified the main circuits to see if the fuses would blow .
  6. 一位攝影師把電燈的保險絲燒斷了,使整棟房子陷於黑暗當中。
    A photographer had fused the lights,engulfing the entire house darkness
  7. 短路會燒斷保險絲的。
    A short circuit will blow the fuse
  8. 保險絲燒斷了。
    to blow a fuse.
