拼音:shǎn xiàn 英文解釋:
flash; flash before one; flash into
一剎那間出現;呈現這當兒,電光一樣在心頭閃現的,就是買舟回鄉的念頭。&mdash... >>
查看“閃現”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
ray 漢語造句:
- 我腦子裡突然閃現出一個新的想法。
A new idea popped into my mind like a flash.
- 形象閃現在螢光屏上
The image flashed onto the screen.
- 她(看著大家,)眼?em>猩料種吲肭崦鐧納袂欏?
Her eyes flashed anger and defiance (at everyone).
- 一線希望的閃現
a weak flicker of hope
- 而他呢,眼眶裡又閃現出了淚花。
For his part, his eyes began again to cloud with tears;
- 投射或者閃現光(燈等)。
throw or flash the light of (a lamp, etc)
- 剛才一個人影閃現在我面前。
The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts.
- 一隻艷麗的小鳥閃現在眼前。
A small, brilliantly coloured bird flashed into view