拼音:shàn sù 英文解釋:
accommodation; bed and board; board and lodging
吃和住掙得工資外還有膳宿供給膳宿自理 >>
查看“膳宿”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
roomandboard 2.
peckandperch 3.
boardandlodging 相關對話:
- 我在一友人處寄膳宿。
I'm boarding with a friend.
- 她自己負責膳宿,她叔叔供給她學費。
She pays for her board and lodging, her uncle finds her in tuition.
- 這裡的膳宿供應也許不見得完全令人滿意,但是我們只好隨遇而安。
The accommodation may not be all that we should like, but we shall have to make the best of it.
- 他每周支付膳宿費40英鎊。
He pays 40 a week (for) board and lodging.
- 緩刑犯監視員在紙廠里替安德魯找到一份工作,並在職工宿舍安排了他的膳宿。
The Probation Officer got Andrew a job in the paper-mills and arranged board and lodging for him in the Working Boys’ hostel.