拼音:shān pō英文解釋:
brae; hillside; mountain slope; sidehill【醫】 clivis; declive; lobi clivi; lobulus clivi
山峰和山腳之間的部分山地讓各山坡都迴響著自由的呼聲 >>查看“山坡”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.brae 2.sidehill 3.sidehill 4.hillside 5.versant 6.mountainslope 7.hillslope 8.backfall相關對話:
- 沿著山坡往上爬時,那條小徑越來越陡。The path steepens as you climb the hillside.
- 那急流順山坡而下衝出一條水溝。The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.
- 夏天時,山坡上長滿了花草。The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.
- 那位農民在山坡上擁有一片桔子園。The farmer has an orange grove on the hillside.
- 山坡上長滿了蕨類植物。The hillsides are covered with ferns.
- 我們大聲唱著歌走下多樹的山坡。We walked down the woody hillside singing loudly.