拼音:shān mài 英文解釋:
mountain; mountain chain; mountain range; range; ridge
向一定方向延展、像脈絡似的群山祁連山脈大青山是一條並不很高但很寬闊的山脈。&md... >>
查看“山脈”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
mountain 2.
mountainchain 3.
range 4.
ridge 5.
cordillera 6.
mountainchain 7.
chain 8.
mountainrange 9.
ghat 10.
ghaut 11.
jebel 相關對話:
- 習慣上說,地球上最大的一塊陸地是沿著烏拉爾山脈分為兩大“洲”的。
The largest landmass is usually divided into two "continents" along the Ural Mountains.
- 蘇丹非洲北部一地區,位於赤道以北,撒哈拉大沙漠以南,從大西洋沿岸橫貫大陸至衣索比亞山脈
A region of northern Africa south of the Sahara and north of the equator. It extends across the continent from the Atlantic coast to the mountains of Ethiopia.
- 為翻越山脈的不斷努力
A long pull across the mountains.
- 吹過洛磯山脈東坡的暖而乾的風。
a warm dry wind blowing down the E slopes of the Rockies
- 南美洲的一些山脈尚未在地圖上標出來。
Some of the mountains in South America have not yet been mapped out.
- 山坡;山側一座山或山脈的側坡
The slope of a side of a mountain or mountain range.
- 大海灣背靠著莊嚴的山脈。
The large bay has a superb backdrop of mountains
- 落基山脈的壯麗景色使人讚嘆不已。
The scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains are overwhelming.