拼音:shān hé táo 英文解釋:
【建】 Carya中文解釋:
落葉喬木。羽狀複葉,表面綠色,背面銹黃色。果實倒卵形,有四棱,表面有皺紋。果仁味... >>
查看“山核桃”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
Carya 2.
shellbark 3.
hickory 4.
pecan 中英例句:
- 乾果糖用乾果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸騰的糖漿里攪拌直至發焦變脆而製成的蜜餞
A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crisp and brown.
- 火腿在山核桃樹枝燃起的火上薰制。
The hams were cured over a hickory fire.
- 山核桃木山核桃樹堅硬、結實、厚重的木材
The hard, tough, heavy wood of such a tree.
- 山核桃這種樹上產的表面光滑的薄殼長圓形堅果
The smooth, thin-shelled oval nut of this tree.
- 山核桃研究綜述及展望
Review and Perspective of Research on Carya cathayensis
- 山核桃嫁接癒合過程的解剖學觀察
Anatomical observation in graft union of Carya cathayenisis
- 山核桃屬部分種的核型分析
Karyotypes of Three Carya Nutt. Species