- 突然上下的動作(由船或其它運輸工具引起)。
abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance).
- 長沙晚報訊(記者譚琳靜實習生張婷婷)天上下的不是雨,而是葡萄!
Changsha Evening paper (Changsha): It came a grape-rain, not a real rain!
- 不,請多剪掉一些,我喜歡把上下的頭髮都剪得短短的。
No You can cut quite a bit off I like it to be very short all over
- 不,請多剪掉一些,我喜歡把上下的頭髮都剪得短短的。
No. You can cut quite a bit off. I like it to be very short all over.
- 考試後老師對那些在及格線上下的學生進行了一次口試。
After the exams, the teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test
- 突然上下的動作(由船或其它運輸工具引起)。
abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)