拼音:shǎn guò 英文解釋:
thrill through中文解釋:
(1) ∶閃電般地突然出現一個念頭突然在她腦子裡閃過(2) ∶一閃而過他一見到軍... >>
查看“閃過”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
dodging 2.
toglanceoff 漢語造句:
- 他臉上閃過吃驚的表情。
A startled look passed over his face.
- 她的腦海里閃過一個念頭。
A thought flashed before her mind
- 正在這時,一道白光閃過,老約翰消失了。
Just then there was a swirl of white and Old John disappeared
- 他看我掙扎的樣子,嘴角閃過一絲幸災樂禍的笑容。
A smirk flickered at the corner of his mouth as he watched my struggle.
- 一個念頭迅速閃過我的腦際:她可能在撒謊。
The thought flashed through my mind that she could be lying.
- 一個模糊的身影從黑暗中閃過。
A shadowy figure went past in the darkness