拼音:shàng tiān英文翻譯
go up to outer space; God; Heaven例句:
- 不要把我捧上天,我會讓你失望的。Don't build me up too much, I may let you down.
- 願上天保佑我兒子平安回來。Heaven send my son comes back safely.
- 兒時,上天向我們撒謊;往後,我們又朝天撒謊。Heaven lie about us in our infancy-and we lie about heaven later on.
- 女人就該在家裡幹活兒,這是上天的旨意嗎?Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home?
- 只是祈求上天懲罰敵人是沒有用的,要打敗敵人一定得採取其他必要手段。It's no use calling down the wrath of God on the heads of your enemies; something more will be necessary to defeat them.
上天的意思 ∶進入天空,進入太空飛機早已上天多時 ∶婉辭,指人死亡 ∶古時指天上主宰萬物的神上天有眼 ∶天空;天上詳細解釋.天空,天上。《詩·小雅·信南山》:“上天同雲,雨雪雰雰。” 三國 魏 曹丕 《芙蓉

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- 上期的英文翻譯
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