字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>傷勢的英文翻譯 “傷勢”的日文翻譯


拼音:shāng shì


the condition of an injury
【法】 condition of the injury


受傷的輕重程度傷勢輕微 >>查看“傷勢”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 雖然飛行員的傷勢很重,但是他還能夠解釋所發生的一切。
    Although the pilot was badly hurt he was able to explain what had happened.
  2. 三人傷勢均不算重,很快將康復。
    All are expected to recover.
  3. 令兄的傷勢怎樣了?我希望他很快好起來。
    How are the wounds of your brother? I wish he would get well soon.
  4. 問:關於德揚-斯坦科維奇的傷勢有訊息了嗎?
    Any news on the injury to Dejan Stankovic?
  5. 她讓瘋狗咬得傷勢很重
    She was badly savaged by a mad dog
  6. 這艘船屈服於它的傷勢
    The ship succumbed to its wounds.
  7. 她的胳膊傷勢嚴重, 他們不得不鋸掉(它).
    Her arm is so badly injured they will have to amputate (it
