拼音:shāng què 英文解釋:
deliberate; discuss中文解釋:
商討提出幾點意見,與諸位商榷我們所發表的意見,都允許大家討論、商榷。&mdash... >>
查看“商榷”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 我基本上同意你的建議,但是有幾個小問題有待商榷。
Basically I agree with your proposals, but there are a few small points I'd like to discuss.
- 提出幾點意見, 與諸位商榷。
Here are a few points I wish to discuss with you.
- 實踐烏托邦批判——兼與鄧曉芒先生商榷
A Critique to Utopia of Praxis——And a Discussion with Mr Deng Xiaomang
- 然而,其理論仍有許多有待於商榷之處。
American philosopher Searl develops Austin’s theory systematically.
- 但是,雙方的觀點都有一個同樣值得商榷的前提。
Both arguments, however, have a debatable premise in common
- 科學與道德:行政權力道德化質疑——對張康之《尋找公共行政的倫理視角》的閱讀與商榷
Science and Moral: Query on Moralization of Administrative Power