字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上年的英文翻譯 “上年”的日文翻譯


拼音:shàng nián


【經】 past year


〈方〉∶去年大略是說上年解剖學試驗的題目,是藤野先生講義上做了記號,我預先知道的... >>查看“上年”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我不這樣認為,我認為在音樂的問題上年齡是無關緊要的。
    For me, age is irrelevant when it comes to music.
  2. 生物一等獎授給了班上年齡最小的孩子。
    The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class.
  3. 2001年國內生產總值達到95933億元,比上年增長7.3%。
    More effort should be made to aid the mainly grain-producing areas.
  4. 在照片上年輕的小天狼星一付陶醉的樣子,開心地笑著。
    Sirius appears in the wedding pictures as a happy, laughing young man
  5. 承辦經濟訴訟代理案件38.1萬多件,比上年增長17.2%;
    more than 381,000 economic lawsuits, up 17.2 percent;
  6. 廣州市工商局網上年檢管理系統設計與實現
    Design and Realization of E-AIC
  7. 承辦民事訴訟代理38.9萬件,比上年增長23.2%;
    They also handled 389,000 civil lawsuits, an increase of 23.2 percent;
  8. 承辦行政訴訟代理案件2.3萬多件,比上年增長28.4%;
    23,000 administrative lawsuits, up 28.4 percent;
