拼音:shàng gōng 英文解釋:
go to work中文解釋:
(1) ∶指僱工第一天去僱主那裡幹活(2) ∶去工作場所幹活(3) ∶技能高超的... >>
查看“上工”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
workattendance 2.
gototheoffice 中英例句:
- 他在本地汽車製造廠裝配線上工作。
He works on the assembly line at the local car factory.
- 貓頭鷹白天睡覺晚上工作。
Owls sleep by day and work at night.
- 走上工作崗位是很愉快的。
It felt pleasant to be going to work.
- 我與他一度同在一艘拖網船上工作
He and I were shipmates on a trawler once
- 基本上工作人員不會阻攔你的。
Normally it is not allowed.
- 在船上工作來度過我的假期是件相當新奇的事。
It was quite a novelty to spend my holidays working on a boat.
- 鮑爾在鐵路上工作了四十年以後退休了。
Ball bowed out after40 years of railroading
- 本科或相當以上工程領域學歷。
Degree or equivalent in an engineering discipline.