拼音:shàng fù bù英文解釋:
【醫】 epigastrium相關詞條:
- 中部,中間部分中間部分,尤指人體的上腹部A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body.
- 協調的上腹部,結合柔軟的髖,聯繫肘,柔軟的手腕都能保證穩定,生動的韁繩聯繫。If their shoulder drifts just one inch or less to the side, they invert.
- B超和CT對上腹部大腫物的定位診斷Ultrasonic and CT diagnosis of large upper abdominal mass
- 噢,噢,那件像繩索一樣,上腹部什麼裝飾都沒有的,並且還顯得臀部很大。Ooh, ooh, the halter with the bare midriff, oh, and my black hip-huggers.
- 高齡高危患者上腹部手術的麻醉Anesthesia of the epigastrium operation for the aged high-risk patients