拼音:shàng fēng 英文解釋:
advantage; superior position; windward
(1) ∶風吹來的那一方在上風方向噴灑農藥(2) ∶比喻優勢或有利地位占了上風 >>
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upcast 中英例句:
- 兩家互相競爭的紡織公司中,獎金較多,管理較好的一家很快就占了上風。
Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.
- 一位有智慧的將軍在任何戰爭中都能占上風。
A wise general can gain the upper hand in any battle.
- 我們隊在下半場占了上風。
Our team gained/had the upper hand in the second half.
- 海面上風平浪靜。
There was a calm on the sea
- 這幅油畫表現的是海上風暴。
This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
- 在那次辯論中他占了上風。
He had me in that argument.
- 海損由於海上風險造成的船或貨的損失
The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea.
- 不要絞盡腦汁在你的婚姻中贏得上風,真正要贏得的是你的婚姻。
Don’t try to win in your marriage, win for your marriage.