拼音:shāng duì英文解釋:
trade caravan【經】 caravan
成隊的販運商品的行商 >>查看“商隊”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 我們曾和一支有一萬二千頭駱駝的商隊一起行進。Once we were part of a caravan of twelve thousand camels.
- 商隊客棧某些阿拉伯國家的客棧A caravansary in certain Asian countries
- 繼續前行時,商隊並沒有發現任何綠洲或是水源。As they continued on their way, they found no oasis or water at all.
- 我們曾和一支有一萬二千頭駱駝的商隊一起行進。Once we were part of a caravan of twelve thousand camels
- 我們曾和一支有一萬二千頭駱駝的商隊一起行進。Once we were part of a caravan of twelve thousand camels.
- 快速整頓美國經銷商隊伍。Quickly pruning the U.S. dealer base.