拼音:shàng dì英文解釋:
God; heaven; lord; oversoul; providence; the Everlasting; the Most Highthe Supreme Being
(1) (2) 天帝。古時指天上主宰一切的神上帝以寡人有薄德於古今,遂寬其同氣之... >>查看“上帝”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.Lord 2.Providence 3.UltimateReality 4.oversoul 5.omniscientomniscient 6.supremebeing 7.Adonai 8.All-father 9.divinity 10.theSupremeBeing 11.theMostHigh 12.theFirstCause 13.theEverlasting 14.omniscience 15.theOmnipotence 16.Gawd漢語造句:
- 願上帝保佑你!Bless you!
- 有些人相信上帝創造了世界。Some people believe that God created the world.
- 他們祈求上帝把他們從危險中拯救出來。They prayed to God to deliver them from danger.
- 不信仰上帝是我們的原則。The unbelief of God is our principle.
- 他日夜祈求上帝賦予他虔敬的心。He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness.
- 撒旦仍是上帝的奴僕。Satan is still a servant of God.
- 這位老人對上帝非常虔誠。The old man has great piety towards God.