字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>商標權的英文翻譯


拼音:shāng biāo quán


【經】 right of trade mark; trade mark right


  1. 順便問一下,商標權也有期限嗎?
    By the way, is there a time limit for trademark right
  2. 如果發現有人侵犯了我們的商標權,我們怎么辦?
    What can we do if someone is found infringing on our trade-mark?
  3. 我們應該保護商標權
    We should protect ownership of trade marks.
  4. 商標權的國際保護
    international protection of trade-mark
  5. 根據法律規定,我國的商標權保護期限為30年。
    By law, the protection in our country is limited to 30 years.
  6. 試論商標權合理使用制度的建構
    On Construction of Fair Use System of Trademark Right
  7. 商標權的取得基於兩種事實:一是商標的使用,即商標權通過商標的實際使用來獲得;
    Trademark right is obtained on the basis of two facts: use of trademark.
